Brightly Nourished

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Abundanace, Scarcity Or Suffiency

I constantly hear things like “Manifest Abundance” or “Abundance is with in your reach”, which are all great mantras when you’re goal oriented but let’s not forget the beauty in scarcity and in sufficiency.

Scarcity usually has a negative connotation. It’s associated with lacking or emptiness. But if you change your mindset around scarcity to mean having room or openness to receive, then we can also tap into a growth mindset from a different perspective. “I have space to grow”. When we have space, we allow for things to flow in and out of our life’s as needed.

Abundance can be beautiful, my favorite way to look at abundance is by knowing that no matter the hardship, there is always an abundance source of love and compassion that I can tap into to help me get through it.

But, if our mindset is to constantly have more than what we need, let’s say in the material world, or constantly thinking that we will have abundance in the future, then we can get stuck in thinking of the when rather than the now and forget to create space for us to grow.

In sufficiency, we train our mind to be present, not to look towards what we could have, what we did have, but to appreciate what we have now. This appreciation can lead to love for we where we are at, what we have, who we have become, and what matters now.

The key is to tap into each one of these mindsets…flow between each state.